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What is the Lawsuit about?

The BC Paramedics United is a small group of Paramedics that have retained Lawyer Umar Sheikh of Sheikh Law in Victoria to represent us. On Feb 24th 2023 he filed a Notice of Civil Claim on our behalf, against Dr. Bonnie Henry PHO for her part in the inducement to breach of contract with out employer.

While many citizens of BC believed that Dr. Bonnie Henry was acting totally legally when she forced so many healthcare workers out of a job, she didn’t produce one shred of evedence to back up her actions. There was no mention of any scientific studies, or even guidance of the manufactureres medical trials, everything appears to be complete conjecture and assumptions. In doing so, she has alledgedly broken the law in many different ways, not to mention that she appears to have completely ignored the importance of the Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms.

The whole premis for firing so many of BC’s dedicated Healthcare workers was to "protect the patients", but to do that you would need evedence that the mandated C-19 shots would halt transmission of the virus, but there is absolutely no evedence of this. None of the C-19 shot manufacturers product monographs show any evedence of prventing transmission, so why would you destroy so many livelyhoods without that evedence? Why would you cripple the BC Healthcare system even more than necessary without that really important evedence?

As Paramedics, we were on the front lines so to speak, we saw first hand the harms and deaths caused by the rollout of the C-19 shots, we were the ones transporting the injured to hospitals, we got to speak to the patients and family first, we also had to put the unfortunate ones into body-bags, that’s a very sobering experience for anyone, and this lead some of us to question the mandates, we believe that history is already proving us right and we believe the courts will too.

Of course, many of BC's Paramedics (and other healthcare workers) didn’t question the mandates, they just went along with the instructions as requested, some out of misguided trust and loyalty, some from peer pressure, some for fear of losing their livelyhoods and obviously, some of them believed the fear porn spewed out daily on the main stream media and so were concerned for their own, as well as their family’s health. Unfortunately, once an injection is administered, it’s impossible to remove it, so some of us needed to see evidence that they really were “safe and effective”, sadly that never happened. At the end of the day, we strongly believe most healthcare workers were coerced into taking the C-19 shots and this lawsuit could prove to be a pivotal case for all of BC’s workforce.

Coercion (/koʊˈɜːrʒən, -ʃən/) involves compelling a party to act in an involuntary manner by the use of threats, including threats to use force against that party. It involves a set of forceful actions which violate the free will of an individual in order to induce a desired response. These actions may include extortion, blackmail, or even torture and sexual assault. For example, a bully may demand lunch money from a student where refusal results in the student getting beaten.
Common-law systems codify the act of violating a law while under coercion as a duress crime.

 Your Future May Depend On Our Future!

Please support our legal case

We have raise a great deal of money out of our own pockets, but now we could use a little help to continue this fight. This really could be a pivotal court case and has the potential to help a great deal of people moving forward. Your donation would be very much appreciated.

Help struggling Paramedics

Some paramedics have not recovered as well as others from the trauma and upheaval of being fired for no just cause. We are doing what we can to help these people, but our resources are very limited. Tour donation would go a long way to help them to overcome their challenges.

Please sign our Petition

Help us to send a clear message to the BC Government, BC Ambulance and the union APBC.

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Tell your friends and family, tell them why the Ambulances are short staffed. The more people that know the facts and react to them, the sooner we can fix the problem.
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