The Covid-19 Vaccines Are A Disaster, And Should Never Be Mandated For Anyone!

Covid-19 Vaccines DO NOT Protect You Against Catching Covid-19

Lancet paper, 11 Oct 2021

The premise for “Firing” so many Health Care Worker was to “protect the patients”, so, how is that supposed to work when the vaccine clearly doesn’t?

Covid-19 Vaccines DO NOT Stop You From Transmitting Covid-19

Lancet paper, 11 Oct 2021

Again, how can you justify the mandates for “Firing” so many Health Care Worker when the vaccinated are just as likely to contract and spread covid-19?

Covid-19 Vaccines Have Killed  Thousands Of Innocent People

Open Vaers Covid Vaccine Data

The American VAERS system and the European Vax Reporting systems both contain reports of many thousands of deaths due to the covid-19 vaccine (reported primarily by doctors).

Covid-19 Vaccines Are Causing Serious Harm To Millions Of People

Open Vaers Covid Vaccine Data

Also in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems are millions of adverse events, all of these events resulted in visits to a Doctor or the Emergency Hospital department.

Covid-19 Vaccines DO NOT Have Any Long Term Safety Data

The covid-19 vaccine was developed, and supposedly tested within a 10 month period. Vaccines normally take 5 to 10 years to develop and prove their safety. It’s physically impossible to ensure long term safety in 10 months.

Covid-19 Vaccine Trials Were
Un-Blinded, Negating The Results

All of the placebo arm of the trial groups were offered the covid-19 vaccine after two months, many of them took it, therefore, leaving no control group for safe comparison.

Pfizer Wanted To Hide The Data From The Public -
For 75 Years!

It was upto an honest judge to compel Pfizer to release their documentation on the so-called vaccines. One of the first papers released had nine pages of known adverse reactions, including myocarditis.

Covid-19 Vaccines Are Too Dangerous To Mandate For Anyone Regardless Of Age

Given all of the facts, how can anyone justify mandating the covid-19 vaccines for any job or activity?

Your health is one of the most important things that you have control over, you can’t remove a vaccine once it’s administered!

 Your Future May Depend On Our Future!

Please support our legal case

We have raise a great deal of money out of our own pockets, but now we could use a little help to continue this fight. This really could be a pivotal court case and has the potential to help a great deal of people moving forward. Your donation would be very much appreciated.

Help struggling Paramedics

Some paramedics have not recovered as well as others from the trauma and upheaval of being fired for no just cause. We are doing what we can to help these people, but our resources are very limited. Tour donation would go a long way to help them to overcome their challenges.

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