It’s Time to Reinstate
BC’s Fired Paramedics

Why Reinstate and not Re-hire?
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Are lingering vaccine mandates killing British Columbians? Former paramedic of 30 years speaks out…

Despite B.C's health-care system being overwhelmed, and ambulance response times delayed due to short staffing, the province is still stubbornly holding on to vaccine mandates.

News Story…Sign Our Petition…

 Your Future May Depend On Our Future!

The Union…

Failed to Support BC Paramedics when they needed them the most!

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The Employer…

Failed to provide a safe working environment!

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The Government…

Failed to provide informed consent for the medical interventions that they mandated!

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Fired Paramedics tell their stories…

This is not a job you give up lightly, we’ll tell you our side of the story.

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Injured Paramedics tell their stories…

The sacrifices some people made to keep their livelihoods and the devastating consequences.

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Traumatised Paramedics tell their stories…

You will be horrified to read what some Paramedics went through.

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Now we need your help and support, we were there for you right through the pandemic as always. We put your needs above our own and often that of our families. Many of us took on extra shifts to ensure our communities were covered in times of need, then to reward us, we were illegally fired!

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